When I was little, I remember I loved it when my parents took me to the Kingdome to see the M's. I can even sing the commercial for you sometime if you want an added flashback:) Didn't seem to matter if they won or lost or if we observed from the outfield bleachers?! My boys...not so much (though I'm sad to admit) & we have sweet seats thanks to my dad now! We have to pace them with concessions & trip to centerfield playground for them to even humor me, but they did for 3rd time last night & I finally remembered the camera:)Thank goodness the monsoon subsided (seriously @ the end of May? no doubt will cont for Mem Day weekend eh?) so we could trek to the ballpark from our free parking spot; however, the laps we took to find it made it so we were 10 min too late for Griffey t-shirt giveaway-ugh! No worries, cuz I'm not ashamed to say we took one that we found in the aisle after the game & we have connections that might enable us to have a couple more after the fact--He didn't get a cool walk-off home run tonight either, but gotta love him!
I regret to inform you that I'm not that down with rest o' roster this season, but hey!
T'was sheer joy for the rest of the innings to hear Dane's complaints re: everything under the retractable roof and Cole's whines that he hadn't had enough to eat/drink (never mind his earlier treats @ McD's c/o Aunt Amy?!) not to mention that Luke prob had no business being there post-fever, but got to be along for the ride bez binkie 'cuz I left in car...s'pose he has to break the habit soon anyway eh? Just keepin' it real re: these type of events once combined with motherhood! Ahh the good ole' days when we'd go early enough to get autographs during BP, leisurely watch every pitch usually ending in victory & stay late enough to watch players drive out?!
Documenting Luke's first season & Cole's last in the playground, latter due to height restrictions...Luke was sent home early with Nurse Grandma Neecy from childcare on Fri in this cute outfit after vomiting 3x (random, but I had to throw it in the post:),
so shouldn't have been surprised that he wasn't 100%-
But he had fun running in circles & went down slide once...
Older boys were thrilled that they got 2 visits in one game since we got there with half hour to spare prior to first pitch (yes, you read that right & should be impressed for those who know me:)
Similar to the Disney characters, Huey loves the Moose from afar & will point him out every game on the visiting team's dugout, but doesn't want anything to do with him up close & personal incl just the life-size picture @ playground:/
Thought it was funny that Cole asked me en route (only boy still awake in the back seat, mind you) how I always knew the way home & never got lost?! Glad I can still impress him with my mad navigation skills...Told him half of it was just reading signs & other came from going on same roads for 17 yrs:) Another funny comment he made to Chris other day was in comparison to animals, "people can only run fast & far when they've had a 5-hr energy drink?!" At least he pays attn to commercials during sporting events eh?
Sunday, May 23, 2010
For it's Root, Root, Root for the Mar-i-ners... If they don't win, it's a shame?!
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
1:38 AM
Monday, May 10, 2010
Who's Keepin' Score?!
Cole's coach-pitch team is quite a bit more die-hard than Dane's leisurely t-ball pace, the latter in which the score is still fun-fun with the Astros in the lead:)
However, Cole & his Mets team are benefitting thus far from their arduous practices in the form of undefeated season., which is fun when it's the first season in which there are 3 outs (or 4 runs)-Cole is batting .750 we figure....thinks he needs a new glove, but not if he's retiring after this season as rumor has it?! In meantime, he has been borrowing Dad's since seems more confident with bigger target in the outfield:) Tried to practice catching pop-flies with football helmet so not afraid o' the smaller ball comin' @ 'em, but not sure it really worked 'cuz they were kinda opposed to whole idea. We are thrilled if they make contact when @ bat and will settle for "bunts" since neither really understands that he might risk getting someone else out with hit via infield?! Oh well! Has made for some crazy evenings with their double-headers in diff locations and lots o' dinners on the run, but we have made it even if didn't leave much time to warm up:)
Huey will sure gain some experience watching his bros for 5 yrs before he has a chance to take a swing on a team of his own! We are already putting most of our athletic stock in the youngest, but certainly not too late for others...I just read a book re: raising successful & happy children that basically said they have a choice of what activity in which they want to participate, but doing nothing is not an opt. so we'll see what's next--trying to enjoy this season and hope they will too even if after the fact?!
Thanks to Grandpa Gar, Grandma Neecy, Aunts Britt/Cait/Brooke, "Aunt" Jami, Uncle Rich & even lil' Ben for coming to cheer on the Parker boys:) You should all be proud esp of their dad for skipping the holy Husky spring game for one of Dane's --sadly those conflicts are bound to increase as the boys get older with own activities, but even mom slipped in suggestion to skip out on a Fri night but he was committed to his team:) S'pose we should be grateful that dedication is @ least being instilled @ young age eh?
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
1:24 AM
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
5/5 Fiesta!
So we may not be heavy drinkers, but we managed to have our own fiesta for Cinco de Mayo in our fam room...Costco helped us out with a smoothie & churros after our pulled-pork quesadillas in the car since we had to get some Mothers' Day errands done too:) The sombrero from last year's world fair (@ Zeiger Elementary) provided the finishing touch for our pinata courtesy of Cole's class-who knew first graders were into this holiday?!
Now if we could only get some weather like so of the border & for it to stay >24 hrs, it would really feel like late spring!
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
8:14 PM