Well guess we didn't take enough pics to merit blog post, but hey!
T'is not enough in our household to honor your mother & father; we observe Polish holiday aka Kids' Day:) Same deal but recognizing our handsome & mostly good:) boys...as if we don't celebrate them & spoil 'em rest o' year?! Of course they love it but commemoration is growing out of control! First of all, they decided two months ago that they wanted Lego sets from Borders of all places (they have whole section of toys that my boys discovered & that was literally all she wrote, but cheaper now for mom to have a library card:)) Anyway, we hud (Cole's past-tense of hide:)) them right away & have visited 'em monthly until day when finally with mom's donation & their accumulated pennies for good behavior would combine to purchase! Dad somehow didn't get that memo, so he just bought 'em new Transformers this past weekend & I guess the Legos will have to wait after all that:) Cole's solution was to just receive both?! Go Figure! This isn't Christmas dude & you still have couple months until your birthday buddy--Of course, the legos stayed @ the store much to their dismay, but didn't diminish desire to open new Transformers @ crack of dawn (hence comp to Christmas) & were bummed that had school as normal afterward...
Dinner @ Pizza Hut, which is free for kids on Mon. night anyway, but don't tell them-->we can get outta there for $5 including a salad bar for me & the baby plus a tip:)
Hooked up with Chris in time for M's game with Shaws to end our exciting day dedicated to show our love to our favorite little men! Cole is happy anywhere when Dad is beside him-Dane was a bit grumpy from his early am-Prob not amused by our crazy request @ a ballpark of all places to just watch the game instead of demanding concessions every inning or another trip to playground-ugh!
These Parker boys will be sports fans if it's the last thing we do:) Weird for us to leave early due to school night though but you can clearly see why this time around...@ least Luke was pleasant to be around during the game?!
We also enjoyed spending time there with Great Grandpa Dick & Great Grandma (GG) Lou who were visiting from UT-
WOW...I really just threw up in my mouth a little...
15 years ago
To Dane's credit--he didnt make that face the WHOLE
game:) haha-- HAPPY KIDS DAY!
Oh, Beck, how sweet is LUKE?!?!?!
That kid is perfect.
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