Monday, May 25, 2009

Eat Drink & Be Merry!

Don't feel like we'd be true SoHill residents if we didn't post an ode to newest hot spot...So we outsmarted other Puyallupians by actually parking & walking up to order during first week of existence while others seriously waited for like 2 hours in line; however, we need to start Sonic Anonymous 'cuz we've since returned more times than we'd like to admit @ all hours:) for all types o' fun treats & drinks...I can proudly say I've tried all the limeades & am working my way through menu:) T'is is a dangerous new phenomenon with lots o' fun variety-the options are endless! Here's our first trip after t-ball/coach pitch & even made it for happy hour @ beg o' month-


Uffens Family said...

Sonic owes the Parker fam for your loyal business!! :) Glad you have a new place for treats and bribery :)

Emma said...

YEA SONIC!! :] I love that place! I was introduced to it in MO and now in SC. My parents told me they were opening one up there in puyallup! That's too cool!

Dan and Heather said...

Oh how I miss sonic- none of them anywhere close to me. Also send my condolences to Chris with UW losing out on Jake Heaps- GO COUGS!

Kjrsten said...

sonic is glorious! Lucky YOU!

Washington Hills said...

As I think we talked about on the phone, those limeaids really are worth the hype! Tara Dent says the Mango one is really time...

Oh, and I'm deaply sorry Chris, but I'm thrilled Heaps is going to the Y, too...yeah for BYU!

anna said...

oh man, i love sonic! let's meet there sometime! i'm heading to ceour d'alene tomorrow and i'm planning to make brandon stop at the one in spokane. both ways. ha!

Mika McDaniel said...

So fun! I really love their drinks!

I hope you guys are having a wonderful summer. I miss you!

Dents said...

It is great to have access to Limeades. Mango is my favorite.Now what do we need to do to get PF Changs in Puyallup?
Hawaii looks like fun. The kids with the dolphins looks like a great time.

Dents said...

You do enough running to deserve dinner and pizookie! I have also heard legends of you running the Tacoma Narrows while holding your camera the whole time!

Dents said...

this was our first 4th of July in Pierce County. I was relieved when our neighbors firework show was over, that Greg didn't blow off his hand, and that our house didn't catch on fire. We were reading about the firework show in Seaside, but that that could be a bit crowed, and 2 of our 3 kids hate fireworks. Sand castle and kite day sound like fun at Cannon Beach.
I got in 5 miles last night. Are you able to run in the evenings?