July, we spent
4th of July @ Ft. Vancouver with the Shaw side o' the family. Chris loves to take pics. of just the fireworks?!

Chris & I also escaped for a weekend in
July with high-school friends to the coast-->
Seabrook (to be more exact & to advertise our buddy's construction project). Not sure if I could completely relax due to my upcoming calling in Primary, but Chris deserved a break from work & we love these couples...so we'll probably try to do it again next year!

August, we celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary (hence the above pic:)), then headed down to
Lk. Merwin for Cole's 5th b-day & more fun in the sun-just didn't see much of the latter. But we didn't let the overcast skies dampen our summer time spirits... Notice Coley got a few new Transformers:) My sister Caitlin made sure the family party was complete with a homemade pinata:) His cake was lovely too, if I do say so myself despite the fact that it looked better before the boys decided to "help me finish"-ugh!

September, I reached the boring age o' 31; however, the real party was in
Vegas where we went to spend the weekend before my birthday as well as my niece Annie's big 1st b-day & my bro.-in-law Lance's b-day! We were quite proud of the cake as you can see. Thanks Mom & Dad for another great trip & bonding with Uffens (who are there for dental school) & Bergesons (who drove down from UT to meet us)-Viva Las Vegas!

October featured plenty of photo opportunities...I think my boys have a future in GQ, but I'm probably biased?! We actually timed our trip to
pumpkin patch on lovely Sat. afternoon, so took advantage of the fall weather to capture the moments. Dane is lying in 10 tons of corn! Meanwhile Cole is tasting a churro covered in caramel & whip cream-yum! I reverted back to CHS days when I cheered on the Vikings again @
Homecoming with Britt & Boop. I was so proud of my youngest sister when she was voted onto Homecoming Court. Cole is looking quite dapper 'cuz he was asked to be an escort with a little girl prior to Brooke's grand entrance. Quite brave to sprinkle rose petals in front of entire gym full o' people during the assembly; however, he was clearly bribed with a new beta fish he proudly named Curtis Viking:) Side note is the other new addition to our family: Princess Bedo=Dane's female Beta fish! Last but not least, my sisters have been waiting to see
Tyrone from Backyardigans
& Bumblebee in action ever since
Halloween. Cole's Transformer costume came clear from Singapore; he felt special 'cuz it wasn't even available in the States! Dane just wanted to be a good guy, so he picked one from his favorite cartoon...If you haven't checked out the dancing on one o' those episodes, you're missing out! But I digress-Anyway they look pretty tough yet sweet @ the same time as little boys often do!

November, we had a fabulous yet busy Thanksgiving weekend. Although we missed out on Vegas action with Shaw side o' family, we tried out smoked albeit rather dry turkey with Moores (Chris' sister & family) =thrill for Chris who considers himself the BBQ connisseur:) Didn't eat until like 7:30P, but hey! Moving on to our double date with Amy (friend from high school) & Eric (guy we met on plane to Vegas in Sept.) on Fri. night...good times in Seattle @ the Garage! Next was the Apple Cup on Sat. Although the Huskies weren't victorious, we had fun & stayed warm with our caramel apple cider. We made up for the loss somewhat with late dinner @ new Mac Grill in NoGate with Chris' cousin Chad & his wife Kyla! Don't have pics. of all festivities, but you get the idea!
That brings us to December wherein it's hard to believe the year is almost over?! While I personally have felt whole spectrum of holidays (meaning I've felt like Buddy the Elf on certain days & Scrooge on others?!) Cole was very opinionated about our tree & thus, he takes all the credit for our final selection. We also took a quick drive adorned in these sweet glasses to view the lights around Puyallup. Hope your holidays were merry & bright too:) Last but not least, here are the other two choices for our Christmas pic along with the winning selection. The boys were actually quite cooperative considering I just took 3 quick shots one morning & then let 'em play. They're good little buddies & bring joy to our lives for the most part:) Check out the sayings on their shirts! Can't forget to capture Christmas morning...Thank you Santa!

I'm grateful for this time of year to kind of put things in perspective before we have the opportunity to begin anew. Guess we did more this past year in retrospect as I tried to relive it all!?! We are so blessed as a family first & foremost with our faith, family & friends--so thank you & know that you're loved wherever you may be this season! Best wishes in '08!!